Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Well it has been a lovely few days. Allow me to fill you in.

When the doc told me to stop the birth control last week, my body responded by bleeding even more. Yeah, super fun. I started doing extensive research on what my problem could be, and I got scared. Apparently, the longer one’s body remains in an estrogen-dominant state, and the longer one bleeds, the higher the chances that “abnormal” or cancerous cells will develop. I read story after story (bad idea, I know) of women my age with my problem who had endometrial cancer and had to have hysterectomies. I should stay away from the internet, for sure, but I didn’t. I called the doctor Wednesday afternoon to tell him the bleeding was worse, and he ordered me to go to the ER the next morning. So that night I was really upset about everything, and worried about going to the hospital, and I ate emotionally. A lot. When I realized what I was doing, I stopped, but I was surprised at just how easy it is for depression/worry/anxiety to set in and trigger the desire to stuff my face with calories I don’t even want. I was mad at myself, but decided to just learn and move on.

Thursday morning I went to the ER, and they admitted me. They starved me the entire day due to my doc’s orders (he thought they might do the D&C that day), did lots of blood work and an ultrasound, and then I got to lay in my room hooked up to an IV while waiting for the gynecological consult. I guess there were lots of babies being born or something, because he didn’t get to my room until after 10 PM. We chatted for a while, and then I went through the most AWKWARD vaginal exam EVER, on my hospital bed. I’m talking, my feet were resting on the gyno’s thighs since there were no stirrups, and a herd of nurses decided they needed to watch this lovely occasion like it was a movie premiere, ‘cause I guess there was nothing more exciting going on. Not fun.

Sexy leg compression-y things
 When he finished the exam, the doctor agreed to let me eat something in my 30-minute window before midnight, since they decided to do the D&C the next morning. They brought me a sandwich and applesauce, which was heavenly after fasting all day, and I ate before going to sleep. By “sleep,” of course, I mean laying awake all night on the horrendously uncomfortable hospital bed and being poked/prodded/vital-signed until dawn.
Press "up" to be elevated to a position that will require lumbar spine surgery.
Press "down" to ensure you don't fall asleep until next Wednesday...
Friday morning they prepped me for a D&C and hysteroscopy, and I vaguely remember being wheeled into surgery before going unconscious. I was in pain when I woke up, but they put something in my IV to help with that, and I haven’t had much pain since then. After pumping my veins full of iron and feeding me a yummy hospital lunch, they released me Friday evening. I spent the rest of the weekend eating unhealthy things and laying around looking at the fugly bruise the IV and liquid iron left on my arm.

I don’t have the pathology report from the biopsy yet. I should get it in a week or so when I follow up with the doctor. I’m still bleeding a little from the procedure, but it’s supposed to stop in a week or so. In the meantime, I’m trying to eat healthy, non-estrogenic foods and exercise much as I can. I’m 3,000% convinced that the only thing that will make me better is losing weight and getting fit.


  1. Wow, Kelly!

    Glad to hear that it looks like you're on the way to getting better after that ordeal. And double "YIKES!" about the awkward exam. Those are moments we wouldn't wish upon anyone!

    I'm praying for you, and I hope you are able to recover well and keep your sights set on your goals.

